(HAGÃ…TÑA, GU) Three of the island’s most notable administrators were chosen to coordinate the portion of the Comprehensive Master Plan dealing with economic development, crime reduction, disease control, and other social ills. Governor Calvo chose…

Dr. Mary Okada

President & CEO

Guam Community College

Dr. Juan Flores

Dean of the School of Trade and Professional Services

Guam Community College

Edward J. Calvo

General Manager

Island Wines & Spirits, and Tropical Productions Inc.

…to coordinate the Social Stabilization component of the Comprehensive Master Plan. While the Imagine Guam program will provide the vision and the plan for the long-term future of our island, there is a need to address current social problems. The Social Stabilization component will give unified direction on ways to reduce economic poverty and moral decay, and the consequences of these social ills. Some of these consequences that will be addressed include:

  • Crime
  • Chronic disease
  • Lacking services for veterans, the elderly and children in need
  • Homelessness
  • Equal access and opportunity for people with special ability
  • Respect for the environment
  • Pride in our culture

The government, many in the private sector, and several non-profit organizations coordinate social programs that address these issues. However, these social issues and all these program efforts have never been brought together under the framework of an islandwide vision to stabilize society based on our values. This effort clearly will tie the measurement of economic development to grassroots success and the happiness of families that we will envision.

That vision will be done by February. That is when this Social Stabilization component of the Comprehensive Master Plan will start to be formed. Okada, Flores, and Calvo will use this time to choose their team of experts and planners, and to prepare for the start of their planning process in February.


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Background information on the Comprehensive Master Plan

The Comprehensive Master Plan will be built by planners, engineers, and experts in the various component fields after the creation of the Imagine Guam Strategic Vision. Hundreds of members of 17 imagination teams, following input from (what is anticipated to be) thousands of residents, are expected to begin creating the Strategic Vision in November. Their work is expected to culminate in February 2016, with the consolidation of their work into a single vision.


From there, eight teams of planners will create the following components of the Comprehensive Master Plan, based on the strategic vision:

  1. Land master plan
  2. Capital improvement projects plan
  3. Tax code development
  4. Government modernization plan
  5. Workforce rehabilitation plan
  6. Social stabilization plan
  7. Career list development
  8. Education blueprint

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