Up to $5,000 in Grant Funding for Eligible Applicants
Hagåtña, Guam – The Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration, in coordination with the Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA) and the Department of Public Health and Social Services (DPHSS), announce the launch of the Governor’s Relative Care Grant Program. This program falls under Prugråman i Pinilan i Famagu’on Guåhan (Prugråman Pinilan), an initiative that makes child care more affordable and accessible for working families. Prugråman Pinilan provides additional support to child care providers, local businesses, and non-profit organizations, expands community education opportunities, encourages job creation, and now offers support for family members who care for children in a home setting.
“Relatives who care for children can now apply for up to $5,000 to cover facilities maintenance, personal protective equipment or PPE, indoor and outdoor health supplies, childcare goods and services, and mental health care,” said Governor Lou Leon Guerrero. “Childcare is a staple resource for working families across the nation, and through our rollout of Prugråman Pinilan, we continue strengthening childcare providers, businesses, non-profits and Guam’s families.”
“This program raises up those in our families who take on fundamental roles as caregivers and serve as our partners in progress at the home front,” said Lt. Governor Josh Tenorio. “We recognize their essential contributions to the success of our working families, and we reaffirm our commitment to supporting their ability to directly help in raising Guam’s children. Together, we will keep working to foster a resilient recovery and economic prosperity for all of Guam.”
Eligibility and Application process
To be eligible, provider must be a:
- Relative Care provider who received their certification from DPHSS beginning April 5, 2022; or
- Relative Care provider who has been deemed eligible by DPHSS and are working with DPHSS for certification.
Ineligible organizations or providers include:
- In-home provider– a family home in which children are cared and supervised in their own home setting; or
- Child Care Development Fund licensed or certified center; or
- Public or private schools
Applications will be accepted beginning Tuesday, August 16, 2022. The deadline to submit an application will be Friday, October 14, 2022. Total award amount shall not exceed Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). Additional consideration will be offered for applicants who are caring for children with special needs and will be on a case by case basis.
To view today’s press conference in its entirety, visit facebook.com/govlouguam.
Interested providers are encouraged to visit investguam.com for more information or call GEDA at (671) 647-4332.