February 22, 2012
At a worksite already teeming with ancestral artifacts and remains, along with a unique species of snail endemic to the island, a series of pebble pavings dating back to the Latte Period have been uncovered at the Ylig Bridge reconstruction site.
Archaeological excavation and monitoring have been guiding the contractors and crews working to fortify the bridge and restore it for the everyday travel of residents, as well as the heavy loads of container and waste management trucks. Since the work began, repairs to the bridge have been halted several times in order to preserve historical artifacts, maintain the integrity of ancestral remains and protect the endangered species of tree snail, partula radiolata, or akaleha, as it is called in Chamorro. The most recent findings are a series of pebble pavings believed to be remnants of Ancient Chamorro homes.
Department of Public Works Director Joanne Brown stated, “We are graciously appreciative of the public’s patience with the progress of the Ylig Bridge project; however, I think all the people of Guam share the same interest in protecting our delicate biodiversity and honoring our ancestors. Thankfully, the priorities of the DPW are aligned with the traditional values of our people and we are working toward the same objectives–upgrading our infrastructure, ever mindful of our past.”
Attached is a detailed report, prepared by State Archaeologist John Mark Joseph, of the most recent findings at Ylig Bridge.
The DPW wishes to thank the Federal Highway Administration, Department of Parks and Recreation, the Guam Historic Resources Division, Beyond Tumon Development Associates and the DPW Division of Highways for working together to document, preserve and present this unique historical discovery on behalf of the people of Guam.
For more information call Monica Guzman at 646-3448

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