07.12.13 Merit Bonuses07.12.13 Merit Bonuses2
“Now that we have taken care of the deficit and reigned in spending, our administration will make good on promises to hardworking government employees.  We already have paid many merit bonuses for current employees.  Today, we will begin to pay our former employees who have been waiting too long for their just compensation.”
— Governor Eddie Baza Calvo
Bonus Checks to be Mailed                                                                                              
Former government line-agency employees will get long-awaited merit bonuses.  About 1,300 people will be receiving checks. The Department of Administration will mail these bonuses this afternoon (Friday).  These bonuses are for former employees since 1991 who have:

  • Retired from government service;
  • Have resigned from government service or otherwise left their positions; or
  • Have transferred to an autonomous agency

DOA requests recipients allow up to a week for the checks to go through the postal service.  A list of bonus recipients can be viewed in this week’s PROA Newsletter.  Click HERE to view the newsletter and the meritorious bonus listing.
An additional 300 employees are also eligible for bonuses.  Their checks will be mailed out once DOA reconciles their personnel files.
Guidelines from DOA                                                                                                          
DOA issues the following reminders to former employees:
If you don’t receive your check in the mail, it may be because it was sent to your old address.  Please stop by the Department of Administration’s Division of Accounts to fill out an affidavit to have the check cancelled and reissued to your current address.  Please remember to bring in a valid photo identification.  Click here to download an affidavit.
For an agent of a deceased employee: DOA policy is that meritorious bonuses will go to the individual(s) listed on the employee’s personnel file as their beneficiary.  The check will be initially made out to the former (deceased) employee.  To have the checks reissued, please bring in the check(s) and proof that the employee is deceased. DOA will then begin to verify beneficiaries of the deceased employee. When this is complete, Division of Accounts will reissue the check under the beneficiary’s name. 
DOA will release more information as it becomes available.

*****End of Release*****

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