Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration Announces Appointment to Department of Public
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE – February 7, 2019
Hagåtña, Guam – The Leon Guerrero-Tenorio Administration today announced their appointment
to head the Department of Public Works. Governor Leon Guerrero will formally transmit the
nomination for Vincent P. Arriola to the Guam Legislature for confirmation.
“Vincent Arriola is a Government of Guam veteran. With decades of experience in the
legislative and executive branches, we are confident the Department of Public Works will
become responsive to the needs of its customers and our community,” said Governor Leon
Lt. Governor Tenorio added, “Vincent Arriola’s attention to detail and logistics is what we
need at the Department of Public Works, an agency which encompasses everything from
our highways to our bussing operations and building safety. He’s a proven leader and will
be an invaluable asset to our cabinet.”
Vincent P. Arriola, Director of Department of Public Works
Vincent Arriola is currently the Deputy Director of the Department of Administration where he
assists in the management, leadership, and operations of the agency. From 2010 to 2016, he
served as the Executive Director for the Guam Legislature. In this period, he coordinated and
spearheaded the authorization, financing, rehabilitation, and construction of the Guam Congress
Building. From 1997 to 2003, he was the General Manager for the Guam Telephone Authority,
which was at the time, preparing for privatization. Early in his career, he also served as the
Director for the Bureau of Planning which he assisted in the implementation of Vision 2001, a
blueprint to improve the island’s economy and infrastructure.
For inquiries, please contact Krystal Paco, Press Secretary, at 787-3229 or

PDF: PR020719

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