With public schools starting a new school year soon, the Department of Public Works and Department of Education are teaming up to ensure safety in the school campuses and on school buses.
“Safety should always be a priority and I thank Glenn and Jon and their teams for taking steps to promote safety for our children,” Governor Calvo stated.
Guam DOE’s Moryne-Nicole Monforte helped lead the 3-day training took place at Okkodo High School. There were 60 to 80 DPW and DOE bus drivers and DPW bus drivers per session, according to Chris Anderson, Guam DOE Administrator of Student Support Services.
“These training opportunities are important in ensuring our bus drivers are equipped with the knowledge they need to address issues that could arise when you have as many as 80 school children on a school bus,” Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio stated.
Anderson said there are three main areas of focus during the training: self help, Positive Behavioral Intervention Supports (PBIS), and Bus Crash protocols. “The training is in support of the MOU between DPW and GDOE to ensure the safety of students riding the bus,” Anderson stated.
“We’re looking forward to the start of the school year,” Superintendent Jon Fernandez stated. “It’s important that our school and all of our personnel are ready to welcome the more than 30,000 students and that we provide them with a safe learning environment.”
More photos on Governor Calvo’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/eddiebazacalvo

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