The generosity of the people of Guam is shining through once again. Wednesday’s boot drive to help the Nethan family through their time of tragedy collected $15,708.
“The depth of this loss is felt by our entire community,” Governor Calvo stated. “And the people of Guam have opened their hearts to this family, and showed them that they do not stand alone.”
That amount is expected to increase because additional amounts, including donations from members of the Guam National Guard, Adelup, and community members like Willie Brennan will be added.
In addition, Wil Castro, director of the Guam Bureau of Statistics and Plans, has donated $500 and his team at BSP donated $250. They met with Rino and Mercetes and the rest of the family yesterday morning.
Once all of the donations are gathered, it will be given to the Nethan family in time for the funeral service, which is scheduled for next week Friday at the Island Funeral Home in East Agana.
“I know that the family, at one point, wasn’t sure how they were going to be able to pay for the funeral costs,” the Governor stated. “Even as they grieve the loss of five of their children, though, they have been surrounded by family and friends, and the island community to help lift some of the burden that weighs on their shoulders.”
The Governor reiterates his gratitude to the many people who assisted with the boot drive and those who donated to the family, whether via the boot drive or through some other effort.
“I want to thank everyone who participated and everyone who has donated,” Governor Calvo stated. “I was out there yesterday at the Paseo Loop intersection and I could feel the love from everyone. It was incredibly heartwarming and I couldn’t be more proud to be a son of Guam.”