June 24, 2018
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q. Why did GMH Management hold back before releasing requested reports on accreditation as well as CMS?
A. All reports requested by the Legislature have been provided. Earlier this year, a confidential accreditation report was held back by management to ensure that the information in the report would not expose the people’s hospital to civil lawsuits. The report was eventually released to Senator Dennis Rodriguez and then leaked to the public, validating the hospital’s initial concern about releasing the report. On the CMS report, the hospital had to consult its attorney to ensure they were in compliance with federal regulations, prior to the releasing the report.
Q. Senators are public officials, shouldn’t they be trusted with confidential information?
A. Yes, senators should be trusted with confidential information. However, one senator has demonstrated to the public, twice this year, that official information entrusted to him in confidence will be used by him to advance his bid for higher office. This was seen with the leak of the confidential GMH accreditation report earlier this year, and recently when he was entrusted with information in his official capacity on an ongoing criminal investigation. Rather than holding the information in trust, the senator requested more information, recorded the conversations, and then released the information, to the person subject of the criminal investigation. His gubernatorial campaign has used this to bolster its platform on government corruption.
Q. Are GMH doctors and management “corrupt” as Senator Rodriguez has alluded?
A. No. Hundreds of GMH management, doctors and employees are hardworking public servants. For generations now, they have committed their lives to patient care and have made due with the limited resources that elected officials have appropriated them. To accuse them of being “corrupt” is a disservice to the men and women who have dedicated their lives to GMH and poor taste by certain elected officials and their operatives to advance their political agenda.
Q. If there is no corruption why has Senator Rodriguez convened a “special investigation” at the Legislature?
A. Politics. Senator Rodriguez is running for Governor and his platform is corruption. Convening a special investigation will keep the senator in the headlines, promote his campaign message on public corruption, and distract the public from the fact that he has been the oversight chair for GMH the past 8 years and has failed to fully fund GMH by over $100 million.
Q. At the GMH oversight hearing this week, there were doctors who were testifying for GMH and doctors who were testifying against GMH. Earlier this year, one doctor testified for GMH and is now testifying against GMH. What’s going on?
A. If there is one thing the majority of doctors agree on, it is that GMH needs more funding. When listening to testimony, it is also important that the public review the source of testimony. Look at the person’s history, their ties to the island and GMH, their credentials (or lack thereof), and past performance with current and previous employers. Such a review often reveals personal motives behind testimony.
Q. What happens if Senator Mike San Nicolas (congressional candidate), Senator Dennis Rodriguez (gubernatorial candidate), and Senator Frank Aguon (gubernatorial candidate) succeed in repealing the sales tax?
A. GMH will be stripped of $30M a year, every single year moving forward; and DOE will be stripped of about $10M a year, every single year moving forward. Healthcare on island will continue to suffer and GMH will be doomed to repeat the 40-year failed cycle outlined in the previous FAQs. The people’s hospital will remain this way until Guam elects unshakeable leaders with the political courage to identify a dedicated source that fully funds GMH. In addition to this, the trend of our people standing at major intersections, begging for money for off island treatment, will continue to grow along with medical fundraisers.
Q. What can I do to help GMH?
A. Call your senators and tell them to stop blaming and start supporting GMH. Tell them enough is enough, if they strip GMH of $30M a year, they will lose your vote and you will blame them for GMH’s failure.
Speaker BJ Cruz: 477-2520/1; senator@senatorbjcruz.com
Vice Speaker Therese Terlaje: 472-3586; senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com
Sen. Regine Biscoe Lee: 472-3455; senatorbiscoelee@guamlegislature.org
Sen. Thomas Ada: 473-3301/02; office@senatorada.org
Sen. Joe S. San Agustin: 989-5445; senatorjoessanagustin@gmail.com
Sen. Telena Cruz Nelson: 989-4678; senatortcnelson@gmail.com
Sen. Michael F.Q. San Nicolas: 472-6453; senatorsannicolas@gmail.com
Sen. Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr.: 649-8638/0511; senatordrodriguez@gmail.com
Sen. Frank B. Aguon: 475-4861/2; aguon4guam@gmail.com
Sen. James Espaldon: 475-4546; senjvespaldon@gmail.com
Sen. Tommy Morrison: 478-8669; tommy@senatormorrison.com
Sen. Mary Torres: 475-6279; marycamachotorres@gmail.com
Sen. Louise B. Muna: 969-9852/9853; senatorlouise@gmail.com
Sen. Wil Castro: 969-1225/6; wilcastro671@gmail.com
Sen. Fernando B. Esteves: 969-3376; senatoresteves@gmail.com

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