September 19, 2018
Hagatna – Today, our island is one step closer to tuition-free trades schools and colleges thanks to the federal government and an initiative launched by Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio. A total of 193 students will be able to receive grant funds in order to pursue an education and skills training beyond high school.
“This is a new day of promise for our high school graduates,” Governor Eddie Calvo said. “This is a vision we’ve had for our students since we came into office, and today, we get to see it turn into reality. This is a great start for our children and their future,” added Governor Calvo.
Last year, Governor Eddie Calvo appointed Lt. Governor Tenorio and Tony Ada to spearhead this initiative.
“The people of Guam have the potential to do anything they want. Working families every single day deserve, and now have the opportunity to put their children through school at a higher level,” Lt. Governor Ray Tenorio said.
A press conference was held today, together with the Guam Department of Education Board Chairman Mark Mendiola, Deputy Superintendent of DOE Dr. Kelly Sukola, Guam Community College President Mary Okada, and Guam Trades Academy Education Director Bert Johnston, to announce the start of the application process for high school graduates of 2018, and 2017.
“This is great news for the people of Guam, most especially our students at the Dept. of Education. We’re so fortunate to have great partners at the Guam Contractors Association, GCC, and the University of Guam. We want to prepare our students to be life-long learners, and to be able to continue to move forward,” said Chairman of the DOE Board Mark Mendiola.
“This is a wonderful opportunity. I’m very happy that we can partner with GCC and Trades Academy to offer our graduates this opportunity to take one more step in getting a better life for themselves, and continue their education,” added DOE Deputy Superintendent Dr. Kelly Sukola.
GCC received a total of $498,272 in grant funds for 90 students who will be able to participate in the grant program.
“This is an opportunity to provide a segway into post secondary education and obtain certifications along the way, and then eventually get you into either an apprenticeship program or to work on an associate’s degree credential so that you can continue to thrive in the workforce. This is a great first start for many individuals,” said GCC President Mary Okada.
Additionally, GCA Guam Trades Academy received a total of $498,225 in grant funds for 103 students to gain an opportunity to receive skills training.
“Thank you for the confidence you have in the Trades Academy. We can take you places, and this grant is available for over 100 individuals to go beyond a high school diploma, and beyond minimum wage opportunities and successfully compete against the many jobs that are in the construction industry right now and that the island needs,” said Guam Trades Academy Education Director Bert Johnston.
Applications will be available and will be accepted at the following locations:
- Guam Community College: From September 20 to October 4 at the Guam Community College Financial Aid office from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,Monday thru Friday. You can also contact them at 735-5543/4.
- Guam Trades Academy: From September 20 to October 4 at the GCA Trades Academy Administrative Office, East West Business Center, Ste. 201, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. You can also contact them at 647-4842/3.
Applicants must be U.S. citizens who graduated in 2018 with a cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale. Any applicants who are 2017 graduates or non U.S. citizens are welcome to apply for consideration. All you need to bring is a government issued photo I.D., a copy of your high school transcripts, and proof of citizenship.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Austin Duenas, Administrator of the Guam State Clearinghouse at 475-9384 or by e-mail