May 1, 2023
SUBJECT: Applications for Governor’s Summer Youth Employment Program Available Starting May 12, 2023
On May 12, 2023, applications for the Governor’s Summer Youth Employment Program (GSYEP) will be available on DYA’s website at Applications are also available Monday to Friday, 8 a.m to 5 p.m., at DYA’s Youth Resource Centers in Dededo, Mangilao, and Hågat:
Lågu Youth Resource Center
Address: 143 Catalina Ln., Dededo (Across Maria Ulloa Elementary School)
Phone Number: (671) 635-4393
Kåttan Youth Resource Center
Address: 228 Teresita Ln., Mangilao (Behind DYA’s main compound)
Phone Number: (671) 477-9557
Håya Youth Resource Center
Address: 321 Calle De Los Marteres, Hågat (Across Hågat Church)
Phone Number: (671) 565-5031
The 2023 GSYEP is scheduled to commence June 19 through July 28. DYA is seeking eligible applicants to earn while they learn and explore a potential career in public service in the Government, Legislature, Mayor’s Offices, and Judiciary. Interested applicants must be between the ages of 14 to 17, a resident of Guam, and capable of completing 30-hour workweeks for six weeks. Completed applications will only be accepted on Saturday, May 27, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at GPO near Bestseller.
“Getting paid experience through our summer youth employment program provides an opportunity for our island’s young people to be exposed to public service and the humble work of our government,” said Governor Lou Leon Guerrero. “I encourage all youth between the ages of 14 to 17 to consider applying and joining our team as we continue the work of building prosperity.”
“If you’re passionate about helping people, improving our island and the world in which we live, the government offers diverse pathways to commit fulfilling and focused service,” said Lt. Governor Josh Tenorio. “Last year, our youth employees supported the opening of the Guam Relief Center, helped coordinate a government-wide beautification cleanup, and supported the planning of our Liberation memorial tributes, in addition to the everyday services that keep our island moving forward.”
In addition to the application, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) will be available online and at DYA’s Youth Resource Centers. For more information, call (671) 734-5187 or 735-5035/7.
Contact person: Danielle J. Camacho, PIO
Department of Youth Affairs
(671) 735-5037