April 20, 2012
Education task force chairman Vince Leon Guerrero released the following statement regarding the placement of Bill No. 437 on the next session agenda. Bill No. 437 provides viable solutions to repair and construct schools and to expend the remainder of ARRA funds at the Department of Education.To be clear, this is a statement of support for Bill No. 437 with the amendments proffered by GEDA and its bond counsel:
“We’re pleased with the Rules Committee’s decision to place this legislation on the agenda. It is very promising, and it provides viable financing solutions to repair and construct schools. We all know this has been a problem. Other proposals were submitted that weren’t viable. This proposal is viable. GEDA vetted this bill, and so did its bond counsel. We look forward to the legislature’s favorable and swift action on this measure. The task force thanks Sens. Guthertz, Yamashita, and Respicio for authoring this bill in collaboration with Sens. Mabini, Palacios, and Duenas. We also thank Sen. Rodriguez for moving this bill quickly through his committee.”
Guam Education Board member, and task force member Joe S. San Agustin also released the following statement of support:
“The board has been looking to our leaders for solutions like this one. This is real. We can finally have hope that the schools will be fixed. This is one step closer to victory for public school students, parents, and teachers. I thank the authors of the bill, the committee chairman, and any senators who support its passage.”
Please call Vince Leon Guerrero at 688-3091 for more information.
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Troy Torres
Director of Communications

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