FACT CHECKING: Executive Branch, Adelup decrease personnel costs
July 10, 2018
Hagåtña – This press release corrects inaccurate information aired by KUAM claiming that the executive branch is spending millions on new hires – that is false.
The executive branch as a whole has reduced personnel cost. Last January 2017, payroll was about $4.4 million – compared to the more recent $3.9 million. That comes up to an anticipated savings of about $3 million for the remainder of the fiscal year.
Adelup has reduced overall spending in line with the fiscal realignment plan submitted to the Legislature which calls for a $30 million reduction in General Fund spending. There are people leaving as the end of the administration draws closer, and some of those positions are being filled.
There were people hired within the fiscal year to fill vacancies created when employees separated from the government, whether it was through retirement, termination or other reason.
The bottom line is all executive branch agencies and offices, including Adelup, have reduced their overall budgets.