11 Senators have not provided a solution to General Fund shortfall, even after repealing Public Law 34-87
July 29, 2018
Hagåtña — Senators have five weeks left to find a solution that will fund government operations, the Guam Memorial Hospital and Department of Education.
For the current fiscal year, a $30 million reduction in expenditures and a 1 percentage point increase in the BPT, allows for government services, payment of obligations, and helps provide stability.
But that could change on October 1, the start of the Fiscal Year 2019, unless Senators find a solution to fill the anticipated revenue gap.
On July 17, 11 Senators rolled back the revenue source needed to to address the $145 million shortfall caused by federal tax cuts, and stripped the Guam Memorial Hospital and Department of Education of $40 million in dedicated funding source.
The 11 senators who voted to strip away a funding solution are: Sens. Tom Ada, Frank Aguon, Fernando Estevez, Regine Lee, Telena Nelson, Jim Espaldon, Dennis Rodriguez, Joe San Agustin, Mike San Nicolas, Mary Torres, and Vice Speaker Therese Terlaje. Their decisions will derail the economy and leave the next Governor and Legislature presiding over the ashes.
But you don’t have to take our word for it:
“The Legislature needs to provide a solution. We had one (and) they took that solution away from us and now we need a solution.”
Mark Mendiola, Guam Education Board, Finance Committee Chairman
One of the Legislature’s two jobs is passing a budget. Contact the Senators today and tell them that the Legislature needs to pass a responsible budget.
Speaker BJ Cruz: 477-2520/1; senator@senatorbjcruz.com
Vice Speaker Therese Terlaje: 472-3586; senatorterlajeguam@gmail.com
Sen. Regine Biscoe Lee: 472-3455; senatorbiscoelee@guamlegislature.org
Sen. Thomas Ada: 473-3301/02; office@senatorada.org
Sen. Joe S. San Agustin: 989-5445; senatorjoessanagustin@gmail.com
Sen. Telena Cruz Nelson: 989-4678; senatortcnelson@gmail.com
Sen. Michael F.Q. San Nicolas: 472-6453; senatorsannicolas@gmail.com
Sen. Dennis G. Rodriguez, Jr.: 649-8638/0511; senatordrodriguez@gmail.com
Sen. Frank B. Aguon: 475-4861/2; aguon4guam@gmail.com
Sen. James Espaldon: 475-4546; senjvespaldon@gmail.com
Sen. Tommy Morrison: 478-8669; tommy@senatormorrison.com
Sen. Mary Torres: 475-6279; marycamachotorres@gmail.com
Sen. Louise B. Muna: 969-9852/9853; senatorlouise@gmail.com
Sen. Wil Castro: 969-1225/6; wilcastro671@gmail.com
Sen. Fernando B. Esteves: 969-3376; senatoresteves@gmail.com